Group Facilitation Methods (GFM) Training

Group Facilitation Methods are part of the ICA’s Technology of Participation (ToP)® Methods. The methods are applicable in any setting where groups need to develop a shared awareness and make collective decisions or plans. ToP Methods allow for participatory and transformative group journeys. This popular course teaches versatile, powerful techniques for structuring effective group conversations and finding group consensus. Foundational to all of ICA's Technology of Participation courses, it provides a structured introduction to two powerful ToP methods: the Focused Conversation and the Consensus Workshop.

Group Facilitation Methods Brochure

Learn more about:
  • Group Facilitation Methods Course
  • The Trainer - Miriam O'Donoghue
  • Key Benefits of GFM
  • Training Dates & More

Group Facilitation Methods Course

Thu 17 & Fri 18 October | 2 Day - In person Course 9.30-5.30pm each day Avila Conference Centre Bloomfield Avenue,  Donnybrook, Dublin 4.

This popular course teaches versatile, powerful techniques for structuring effective group conversations and finding group consensus. Foundational to all of ICAs Technology of Participation courses, it provides a structured introduction to two powerful ToP methods: the Focused Conversation and the Consensus Workshop.

Early Bird Offer - 10% Discount - Use code 'earlybird' at checkout!

“Every staff member who deals with people should do this course!”

Gerry M., Business Advisor


Designed for those who want to use facilitation skills confidently and effectively, this course suits all levels of experience including team managers, community and voluntary support workers, independent facilitators, community activists, and group leaders of any kind.

Course Objectives

  • Identify when and how to use the Group Facilitation Methods: Focused Conversation and Consensus Workshop Methods.
  • Gain confidence in the use of these methods.
  • Recognise and explore elements of participation, creativity, teamwork, and action.
  • Build links with others to promote future collaboration and support in the use of the methods.

Certification, duration & fee's

Participants who complete this course are eligible for ICA UK Certification. 2 Day - In person Course 9.30-5.30pm each day

Private & Public Sector Organisations: €975
Voluntary Organisations & Independent Professionals: €795
Concession Rate (unwaged/retired): €575 (2 places available per course)

Early Bird Offer: 10% off with code 'earlybird'! Register Now.

In-house training is also available, please email Miriam at to find out more and discuss your needs.


CPD Theme: A model of PEER TO PEER LEARNING in the Workplace

Peer-to-peer learning refers to the idea of collaboration between employees in a manner that allows them to gain knowledge and skills from one another, which can then be put into practice. It often happens organically in the form of informal learning as individuals turn to those around them for advice, guidance or assistance with a task.  

Staff groups, departments, coordinators and managers can take this one step further by putting simple models of practice in place to encourage and support peer to peer learning in the organisation.

This course unpacks peer to peer learning

  • What is peer to peer learning?
  • The benefits of peer to peer learning for individuals, teams and their organistaiion
  • Encouraging and supporting peer-to peer learning
  • Approaches / methodologies that can be used
  • Formalising peer to peer learning - A case study and shared model of peer-to peer learning and toolkit of resources based on the PAL model

Target group: All relevant staff members

To book this training session contact

CPD Theme: Running stakeholder FOCUS GROUPS

Focus groups are where a group of people are selected according to specified criteria. They are interviewed together to discuss a particular subject. For example, stakeholders may be drawn from different parts of the organisation to feed into reviews, planning etc. They are called focus groups because they focus on a particular issue or topic. The purpose of this course is to help staff organise and run effective focus groups. The course is particularly useful for staff that do not have to run focus groups regularly or have little or no experience.

The course covers: 

  • Preparation and planning for focus group sessions so that they run smoothly
  • Running a focus group to achieve objectives
  • Appropriate follow up action needed

Target group: All relevant staff members
To book this training session contact

CPD Theme: Facilitating Discussion Groups using the Focused Conversation Method

The Focused Conversation method provides a structure for effective communication which ensures that everyone in a group has the opportunity to participate and leads to the group achieving a shared awareness of both the topic and the different perspectives of the group.

The Method helps to:

  • Focus a group and facilitate group conversation and discussion
  • Deepen insights and creativity and enable the sharing of different perspectives
  • Allow people to air views, feelings and opinions
  • Hear all voices and leverages group wisdom
  • Recognise and honour the contributions of all.
  • Enable a group to reach a level of shared awareness

The course presents the method in a practical and participatory way. It is first demonstrated, then broken down, analysed and discussed, and then practiced in supportive small group with guided reflection & feedback. Finally, participants plan how they will apply the method in their own situations.

Certification: Participants who complete this course are eligible for ICA UK Certification.

The course is delivered under license from ICA UK

Further information available on this course on request from

CPD Theme: Mentoring

Mentoring is a learning support mechanism where an experienced person (Mentor) provides guidance, knowledge and advice to someone who is in development or has less experience in a given topic or function (Mentee).

The passing on of experience and knowledge of those in an organisation who have already navigated similar paths can be indispensable to others and support capacity building, learning and growth.

This course explores the elements involved in a successful mentor/mentee relationship and includes

  • the purpose and benefits of mentoring
  • styles of mentoring
  • roles and responsibilities of the mentor/mentee
  • guidelines and principles for a successful relationship
  • techniques and tools to support the mentee e.g., goal setting, reflection, questioning and feedback

Target group: All relevant staff members
To book this training session contact


CPD Theme: Exploring Liberating Structures

Liberating Structures provide a menu of simple to use microstructures /activities that offer an alternative way to work together and have conversations that are highly interactive and engaging. They are easy to learn and share and can be used with learners in the classroom or with staff in meetings etc.

Depending on the purpose or desired outcome one or more of the 33 structures can be selected from the menu.

Liberating Structures were co-developed by Keith McCandless & Henri Lipmanowicz and are available under a Creative Commons License.

In this workshop participants will get to try out some of the structures.

Target group: All staff members
To book this training session contact