lego® serious play® - facilitation & training

About Lego® Serious Play®

Lego® Serious Play® (LSP) is a powerful facilitated methodology created by the Lego® Group. Miriam can either facilitate sessions for groups using this methodology or can provide introductory training courses. (Online and face to face)

Building with LEGO® bricks helps to engage the brain into thinking with the hands. When we use our hands to ‘tinker’ we engage the part of the brain that generates sensory images in our minds. This helps us to work out our thoughts and ideas and develop deeper understanding.

Lego® Serious Play® also helps us to explore and solve problems, delve deeper into subjects to gain greater insight, unlock thinking, deepen the reflection process and support effective dialogue. 

Who's it for?

The course is suitable for professional consultants, coaches, trainers, educators, researchers, in-house trainers, learning and development specialists, HR staff, team leaders and more.

Course Objectives

  • Know the key steps to successfully take a group through the LEGO® Serious Play® Process
  • Appreciate the history and science that underpins the method
  • Understand the traditional uses of LEGO® Serious Play®
  • Explore exciting new applications for the method
  • Be confident to talk about the method to clients and colleagues
  • Be able to design and deliver sessions using LEGO® Serious Play®
  • Be aware of the LEGO® Serious Play® community and the next steps in your journey


Two full days face-to-face training

Training Fee

The cost for the two day in-person course is €1950. Early bird price €1500 (Book and fully pay four weeks before the course start date). This course is also available as in-house training.