Mind Mapping -
workshops &  courses

What is a Mind Map?

A Mind Map is a is a visual tool that helps organize thoughts, ideas, and information in a structured and interconnected way. It is a graphical representation that starts with a central idea or topic and branches out into related subtopics.

Mind Maps are often created using words, symbols, and images. Each branch of the mind map contains a keyword or a short phrase that represents a specific concept or idea. This helps in organizing information in a concise and meaningful way. Symbols and images can be used to make the Mind Map more engaging and memorable. The beauty of mind maps lies in their ability to show the relationships and connections between different ideas. By visually mapping out information, Mind Maps help in understanding complex topics, generating new ideas, and making connections between related concepts.

Mind Maps are more compact than conventional notes, and often take up just one side of paper. This helps to make associations and to generate new ideas. New information can also be easily added even to a Mind Map that you've already drawn.

Mind Mapping can also help you to break down large projects or topics into manageable chunks, so that you can plan effectively without getting overwhelmed and without forgetting something important. Creating a Mind Map can be done using pen and paper or through various digital tools and applications available. It's a flexible and creative tool that can be adapted to different needs and preferences.

Miriam’s connection to Mind Mapping

Miriam provides practical workshops that introduce, step by step, the easy and accessible method of Mind-Mapping created by Tony Buzan, the original inventor of Mind Mapping.

Miriam O Donoghue is a Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor (TBLI) and can guide you through a Mind Mapping workshop, teaching you the art of creating hand-drawn mind maps. With over 40 years of experience as a teacher, trainer and facilitator Miriam is the perfect guide on this exciting journey. All you need to do is grab your coloured pens and paper and get ready to unlock the full potential of your mind.

You can join a scheduled Mind Mapping Workshop or book a workshop created especially for your group. No matter what your business Mind Mapping is both professionally and personally useful and relevant.

Miriam has worked with individuals, families, schools, businesses, and community groups.

During practical workshops Miriam will:

  • introduce some of the thinking behind Mind Mapping

  • take you step by step through the easy and accessible method of         Mind Mapping created by Tony Buzan, the original inventor of Mind Mapping

  • deconstruct Mind Maps to explore the characteristics and features of effective Mind Maps

  • support you to give it a go and create your own Mind Maps

  • discuss some of the practical applications and uses for Mind Maps

  • explore the use of digital tools as an alternative to hand drawn Mind Maps

As a Tony Buzan Certified practitioner and Tony Buzan Licensed Trainer Miriam also provides Tony Buzan Certified courses.

Suitable for all staff.
Online and face to face sessions available.
To book a workshop for your group contact miriamodonoghue@gmail.com