lego® serious play® -
facilitation & training

Lego® Serious Play® (LSP) is a powerful facilitated methodology created by the Lego® Group. Miriam can either facilitate sessions for groups using this methodology or can provide introductory training courses. (Online and face to face)

Building with LEGO® bricks helps to engage the brain into thinking with the hands. When we use our hands to ‘tinker’ we engage the part of the brain that generates sensory images in our minds. This helps us to work out our thoughts and ideas and develop deeper understanding.

Lego® Serious Play® also helps us to explore and solve problems, delve deeper into subjects to gain greater insight, unlock thinking, deepen the reflection process and support effective dialogue. 


Miriam can facilitate sessions for

  • staff groups who would like to use Lego® Serious Play® to explore a range of challenges or themes
  • conferences or events where groups would like to include Lego® Serious Play® as a workshop option / highlight


Miriam runs introductory workshops for teachers who would like to train to use Lego® Serious Play® with their students.

Suitable for educators across all levels – Primary, Post-Primary, Further Education and Training and Higher Education.

Online and face to face sessions available.